Halo sahabat, untuk kalian yang sedang bingung mencari referensi untuk membuat surat pengunduran diri / resignation letter dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Kalian bisa mengambil contoh dari Resignation Letter berikut ini agar bisa mendapat inspirasi.
{Nama Kalian}
{Alamat Tinggal Kalian}
{Kabupaten, Provinsi}, Indonesia
August, 21 2021 <— Tanggal Surat
{Nama Perusahaan}
Current Company Address 1,
Current Company Address 2
Dear Sir / Ma’am,
Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation as {Posisi Pekerjaan} at {Nama Perusahaan}.
This has been a difficult decision to make as I have been happy throughout my employment with Your Current Company Name, I appreciate and cherish every moment I spent in here and I wish I could stay longer, but I’m confident that you will understand the reasons that leading to my decision. As detailed within my contract of employment, I hereby give the required with last day of employment being on {Tanggal Rencana Terakhir Bekerja}
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you to everyone that I have had the pleasure to work with over the last two years. I have enjoyed being part of the team here and shall miss you all. You have provided me with so much support and many opportunities. I owe you a great deal and wish you all the best for the future.
Kindest Regards,
{Nama Kalian}
Demikian contoh surat pengunduran diri dari bekerja dalam bahasa inggris, semoga bisa membantu.